Upcoming events
Click here to view the Pearson Band Calendar. Most band events for the 2024-2025 school year have been added to the calendar. Click here to view a list of required (graded) band events for the 24-25 school year.
Thursday April 3 - Beginning Band Rehearsal - Brass and Woodwinds only (required)- 3:55-4:55 PM
Thursday April 10 - Beginning Band Rehearsal - Brass, Woodwinds, and Percussion (required)- 3:55 PM-4:55 PM
Friday April 11 - Beginning Band Performance at Pinstack
Wednesday April 30- Beginning Band Solo Contest at Pearson MS
Wednesday May 7- Spring Concert at Reedy HS

Pearson MS Band - Beginner Band Festival - Pinstack
On Friday April 11th, the Pearson MS Beginner Band will be performing at Pinstack in Plano as part of the Pride of Texas Music Festival. This is an opportunity for our students to perform for adjudicators as well as have fun at the facility.
In order to attend this event, students must qualify by meeting the following requirements:
Attend the Beginner Band rehearsal on Thursday April 3rd from 3:45-5:00pm - Brass and woodwind students only.
Attend the Beginner Band rehearsal on Thursday April 10th from 3:45-5:00pm - Brass, woodwind, and percussion students.
Pass off the music for Dragon Slayer and Samba La Bamba in class for a band director.
Complete scale pass-offs in class, as required by the student’s band director.
Have passed (grade of 70 or higher) all classes on the 3rd nine weeks report card.
Payment for this event is $30 per student. CLICK HERE to pay online. Students may also bring cash or a check in a clearly labeled envelope to the band office. Payment is due by Friday April 5th.
We will also need four adult chaperones for this event. You can sign up to chaperone at the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050845AEAE2FA5FE3-55721036-pinstack
Chaperones must complete and pass a background check through Frisco ISD: https://www.friscoisd.org/about/resources-and-information/background-checks
The estimated schedule for the day is 9:00am-2:00pm. We will send out a detailed schedule with performance times ASAP. Students will bring their instrument and band binder for the performance. They will wear their 2024-2025 Band T-shirt and jeans.
We are SO EXCITED for our students to have the opportunity this year to participate in this fun event!
Please let the band directors know if you have any questions or concerns.
Frisco ISD Summer Band Camp
The middle school band directors of Frisco ISD are excited to announce the dates of the 2025 Frisco ISD Middle School Summer Band Camp. This camp is for current 6th and 7th grade (fall 2025 7th & 8th grade) band students in Frisco ISD and will be aimed towards playing fun music and meeting new friends across the district. Your student also will have the opportunity to work with expert teachers and professional musicians / educators. Please see the information below for more details!
Who? Current 6th and 7th grade (fall 2025 7th & 8th grade) Frisco ISD Band students
When? Monday-Thursday, June 9-12, 2025 (8:00 AM-12:00 PM each day, concert on Thursday starting at 11:00 AM)
Where? Memorial HS (12300 Frisco St., Frisco, TX 75033) & Emerson HS (6300 Collin McKinney Pkwy, McKinney, TX 75070)
How Much? $100
How do I sign up?
Fill out the registration Google Form found in our Frisco ISD MS Summer Band Camp website from March 24-April 20, 2025.
Pay for the camp on OnlineSchoolFees during the payment window (April 28-May 9). Summer camp registration will be billed through the FISD online school fees account. The entry fee will not be active for a few weeks after filling out the registration form.
The payment window will be open in OnlineSchoolFees from April 28-May 9.
For help accessing OnlineSchool Fees, please see the guidance from the FISD website below:
Please note that your registration is not complete until payment has been received through OnlineSchoolFees in the payment window. End of day on May 9th is a hard deadline to submit payment for the camp.
If you have any questions, please ask your campus band director. We hope to make music with you at the Frisco ISD Middle School Summer Band Camp in June!
Summer Band Camps
We strongly encourage your student to attend a band camp this summer! It is a great opportunity for your student to improve on their instrument and make new friends. There are many options in the DFW metroplex and around the state.
CLICK HERE to view a list of band camps available for summer 2025. This list will be updated as we receive information about 2025 dates and locations.
Candy Donations Needed!
Parents, we are in need of candy (or "knowledge" as we call it in band) to give out as prizes to students. If convenient, please consider donating any extra candy you might have from birthday parties, gatherings, etc. or picking up a bag of variety mixed candy next time you go to the store.
Thank you!
Daily Practice
All Beginning Band students should be taking their instrument home and practicing daily. During their practice time, students should play and reinforce concepts being taught in class and work on any material they are struggling to play. A daily practice habit is essential to becoming a great musician! Please help your student to build this habit by encouraging (and sometimes telling) them to practice every day.
Parents, the following is a fantastic guide for what and how your student should be practicing: https://practicingguide.weebly.com/